Sunday 20 August 2017

Colourful reversible quilt

Why is it, that our four legged family members always gravitate to the quilts we are working on.  She doesn't even care that there are pins in the rows to mark them.

I was sitting there at my machine talking to my daughter who is sitting across the table in the comfy chair and this little girls comes and just plops herself in the middle of my work.  By the time I got my iPod out to take the picture she partially sat up, arms spread out to say, "you are not getting any of these rows". Lol.

Our little girl wanted some loving and attention.

This morning, while it was not my doggy duty time, I was working on getting these rows together.  All seven rows are now together and once I post this post, I will work on assembling the rows together.  

As this is a reversible quilt, the blocks were assembled as a "quilt as you go".  That means once the rows are together, this quilt will be complete.  Aside from the binding that is.

I am really making some progress on my list of quilts.  Even though I started some, I still have less now than when I started.  Yay!

Have a great day everyone.

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