Wednesday 2 August 2017

Converting a placemat pattern, top done

Since my last post, regarding this placemat, I finished the placemat portion of this little NICU quilt and scrounged around in my 1 1/2" blocks to come up with the first border section of blue and yellow blocks.  I added them to only the top and the bottom in order to make the quilt square.

Like a drawing or a colouring book, that has the black lines to outline the separate parts, I decided I wanted to do the same with these parts.  It also helped to make the quilt come up to the right size.  Once that was done I added the last border of 2" finished checkerboard squares in blue and gold to match the inside placemat.

All and all I think it turned out nice.  I like when I can make something pretty, with what I have on hand.  Now to quilt it, bind it and hand it in.

It was nice working on something for a special cause.  I also enjoyed just playing around and letting the process just happen, without a plan in advance.  I've had that placemat for a while.  Now it has found a home, in a quilt instead.  You could say the placemat graduated to a higher

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