Tuesday 15 August 2017

My argyle quilt

I designed this quilt back in January/2016.  I collected the fabrics and packed them all away.  There it sat for a while.  Later on, maybe 6 months or more, I realized that I needed some of these bright colours for another quilt.

At that point, I decided that I needed to figure out how much fabric I needed, and start cutting out the strips.  So, I did that and kitted up the bright coloured fabrics.  And.......there it sat for another while.

At the tail end of 2016, when I was making my priority list for 2017, I decided I really wanted to see one of my own designs come to life.  This quilt was one of the twelve quilts to be completed.

Initially I named it Grey, black & bright quilt.  I know, I know, how boring, but at the time I real did not know what to call it.  Just now when I uploaded the picture here to post about it, it struck me, just how much the quilt looked like an argyle sock or sweater.  So, I have changed the name to Argyle quilt.

I worked on this Saturday morning.  I am about half way done.  Do you like it so far?  I do!

That was all the time I had that day to work on it, because in the afternoon, we headed Northwest to Maddie's breeder, for a Vizsla family reunion.  What fun the dogs had.

They were constantly running, chasing each other, jumping in the water or hopping through the fields of tall hay.  It was very funny, the hopping part.  They looked like bunnies, hop, hop, hop. Lol

All these dogs are from the same breeder, but with different parentage.  Maddie's litter had six dogs born.  Two were males and four females.  Of Maddie's litter, only one other sibling was there to celebrate.  In the picture below, is Maddie's brother, Tucker.  They were horsing around for a while, joining the other dogs, and playing some more.  I think they had a blast.

Not only the dogs enjoyed themselves, the owners had a nice time socializing and watching the dogs interact with each other.  I am already looking forward to next year, when they have their next reunion.

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