Monday 21 August 2017

Appliqué at our Quilting Bee meeting

Last Wednesday was our quilting bee meeting.  Everyone working on their own thing.  I brought one of the quilt labels I am working on.  Another friend brought her hexagon quilt pieces.  She is in the process of attaching the fabric to the papers.

This post is for one of the ladies/Carol, who brought her appliqué blocks in.  The lighting in the room was not very good for taking picture.  Everything has turned out yellow and washed out.  Each of these blocks is white and the colours are a bit brighter.

I am saving the block above as a possibility for an appliqué quilt that I am making.  I am short of three or four block layouts.  So, as I come across a layout that I like I will save it.  When it comes time to finish the quilt, I can look them over and make a final decision.

This next one is only partially set up.  There are pencil marks to show the rest of the layout, however the picture did not pick them up.

I am so ready to pull out my appliqué blocks and make some progress on them, but I can't do it just yet.  Instead, I took out the container of blocks and admired them for a little bit.  Most of the blocks are started with the bias stem pieces and the bias baskets as well.

I started this quilt many years ago.  This is the one I started, when I didn't know how to appliqué yet.  I was obviously aiming high when I set about to make this quilt.  I liked it so much, I didn't want to ruin it with my inexperience, that after I finished the easy stuff (ie the bias stems), I put it away.

I have since made smaller pieces and I now have confidence that I can do this quilt justice.  The problem now is lack of time and too many projects on the go.  This still needs to take a back seat.  Though one of these days, there is no telling when, I will just break down and do one.  They are so pretty.

Every time Carol brings in an appliqué project, I get the fever.  Handwork wise, I have to finish the Dresden plate blocks first......

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