Monday 3 July 2017

Working on some labels

I am making some progress,  yesturday I finished making the label for the My Flower Garden quilt and I attached the label to the quilt.  This one now only needs the sleeve attached.

This morning after relaxing with my tea, I got the next label out to work on.  This one is for the Scrappy Log Cabin quilt.  This label was a small one, so I finished it this morning.  Once I attach the label to the quilt, I will finish the outline stitches.

Non quilt related. Yesturday while making a BBQ, I noticed my mini hydrangea bush was blooming.  This bush gets only 1 1/2' tall when full grown.  Right now it is just less the 1'.  It is so small it is cute and the flowers are large in comparison.  The pink looks good beside the red of the neighbouring flowers.

Enjoy the last day of a long weekend!  Beautiful sunshine.

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