Sunday 23 July 2017

Crazy rainbow blocks quilt

After the night of the orange crazy block, I was hooked.  These little blocks are fun to make.  The next day during my break, I made a purple one and after grocery shopping and making dinner, I had time to make a blue one, green one and a red one.

The weather here is dreary with the overcast, so the colours in the picture are not true.  They are actually brighter than the picture shows.

The next evening I had time to make another blue and green block to finish the block units.  I cut some sashing and sewed two rows together.  The next day I finished the assembly.

This week has been busy with only little bits of time here and there, but it was still enough to get in my sewing fix and to complete this little NICU quilt.  

NICU quilts are used for the baby's incubators in the hospitals to shade the preemies from the harsh bright hospital lights.  They only measure 25" X 25".  This is a great way to use up scraps or any left over orphan blocks that might be lying around.  This would also be a great way to try out a pattern that you're not sure you want to commit to making a queen size quilt.  Any pillow patterns or placemat patterns work too, just add a few extra borders.

There is a need right now, so get those scraps and blocks out!  Let's fill that need.  It will make you feel good to help the cause.

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