Tuesday 18 July 2017

What do you do when you're bored?

What do you do when you're bored?  Me?  I putter in my quilting room.  

When it is too late to do much productively and my eyes won't let me do handwork, I am usually on my tablet looking at others' quilts and quilting designs.  But today, I didn't want to waste time on my tablet.  I wanted to do something.

I really didn't want to read, didn't want to watch a movie, didn't want to do much of anything.  So what did I do at 9:00 pm today.......... I took out this large basket of scraps.  These are the really small scraps that are not long enough to be strings, chunks that are not big enough to cut squares out of, or pieces that are odd miscellaneous shapes from cutting out other stuff like appliqué. 

I have been wanting to take this out for a while now.  Ever since my Mom came to raid it, for the pastel colours, for her wedding ring quilt she is making.  I didn't know what I was doing really, just let myself pet the fabric with my mind blank.  Before I realized it, I was sorting out colours.  My brain knew what it wanted to do.  I just needed to let it take over and do it.

I started with orange, and moved on to blue, pink and purple, plus ended up with green and red too.  I had pretty little piles of colours on my sewing table and I was just getting started.  I could have gotten distracted the whole night with sorting, but I really only had an hour before turning in, so I pulled out my foundation of choice and tackled the orange pile.

My foundations are a little over 6" square.  I started in the middle with an odd shaped piece of fabric and kept adding pieces to it, until the whole square was full.  If the pieces where not long enough, I pieced another scrap to the end of it.  This way, that way, however they fit.  For this you have to go quickly, NO thinking allowed.  Otherwise you start trying to match and design.

My orange pile is not large, so I decided to use anything in the rust, orange, gold all the way to yellow.  Once I was done I trimmed the block down to 6" square.  I sub cut it into half, and half again, to end up with four 3" small squares.  When I twisted them around, I couldn't even tell that they all came from one larger block.  They look cute.  That is it for tonight.  All the time I have.

I am thinking of making them, whenever I get bored, or cannot decide what to do.  I will start off with my piles of rainbow colours and see where they take me.  Maybe I will use a neutral 1 1/2" finished sashing between them all.......not sure yet, but sewing them up in blocks gets me closer to using the scraps in an actual quilt.  No harm in that, and it keeps me out of trouble.

Oh......wait......that is trouble.  Look at that.....I just started yet another quilt.  Oh, my!  Don't tell my daughter!!! Lol

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