Tuesday 11 July 2017

Monkeying around again in miniature

Monkeying around again in miniature.  I tell you, I should have been jumping all over the furniture, dangling my arms and making noises like a monkey.  I think this beats the cakes.  I think I have gone around the bend.  Do you see that block below?  It measures 3" square!  And will finish in a quilt at 2 1/2"!!  To help you put the picture in perspective, that means the middle row and column are squares that finish at 1/2" square (approx. the size of my thumb nail).  I've gone rangy I tell you......but it was so much fun!!!

I like to challenge myself sometimes.  I took this one slow, so that all the points would meet spot on.  I enjoyed it so much, I had to make a few more.  These are so sweet!  The picture does not do them justice.  

Maybe this picture will help, with helping people realize just how small these miniature monkey wrench blocks are.  Here they are beneath the original monkey wrench blocks.  The original blocks will finish at 5" square.

I made the mini blocks because I have an idea...... Per my daughter, it's not a good thing, but I think differently......and I'm not telling.....  It may be a long time before I share my idea, but I think it will be great!  

Stay tuned.....

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