Sunday 9 July 2017

Finished the claw units for Brown Bear Paws quilt

Today has been a very good quilty day.  I started this morning by completing the binding for the green spiderweb quilt, which is going into the show.  After lunch, I worked on these half square triangles. These are the claw parts for the bear paw blocks.

I started sewing them a while back as leader/enders.  Now I tired of seeing them on my ironing board, beside my machine, so I decided they needed to be done.

I had them grouped in sets of four with the solid corner block cut out ready to be used, when these were sewn into pairs.  In the basket below, are all the completed units, or as far as I can take them for now.

Once I finish the scrappy strip blocks, I just need to grab a bundle and attach them to finish the block. This is not on my list of priority, so I put it away.  I am glad though that they are completed this far.

Next post I will show you what else I have been working on today.  As I said earlier, it has been a very good quilty day today.  I am thinking of taking a break now.  It will be my turn at doggy duty soon and I need to clean up the mess the kids have created.

Enjoy the remainder of the day!

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