Sunday 30 April 2017

Finished the Navy blue and cream quilt

Finally finished the binding of the Navy Blue and Cream quilt.  It took me a while, but blocks of time were just not available and as the quilt is 60" X 60" it was not very portable.  It's actually been done now for over a month, however I was waiting for a chance to take a picture of the quilt outside.

Yesturday started out cloudy, so it was perfect for taking the pictures.  Above is my navy blue and cream quilt.  Below is a close up of a corner.  I did simple quilting, as I wanted this quilt to be suitable for a guy.

While it was overcast I wanted to also take a better picture of my flower garden quilt.  I finished the binding on that one just this past Monday.  Just in time for the quilting guild meeting.

I am making some progress on the binding front.  I have seven quilts of various sizes left to bind.  Two of them are my quilts, one is a commissioned quilt and four of them are charity quilts, that I made going to Project Linus.  I have to get moving on them.  Hoping to have at least one of them done for the next guild meeting.

After spending the entire day out in the garden yesturday, my body is telling me it is time for a break.  I think I will try and hide out here in the quilt room all day.  Maybe I will go unnoticed....probably not though. Lol

Enjoy your day!

Saturday 29 April 2017

Aunt Bea's Parlor, Flower basket #2

I bought this pattern a while back.  After I finished the embroidery blocks from my flower garden quilt, I thought I wanted something to take it's place.  They are cute little baskets, all different with a variety of flowers.   The pattern sat there, as I got distracted with other hand work, but it did not turn out to be a waste.

Instead of me, my daughter decided she wanted to do them.  She loves to sit while watching reruns and do some hand work.  I think it also helps with reducing the stress of university.

This is her first finished block.  This is block two out of a total of twenty blocks.

At the time when I bought the pattern, my mother bought one too.  My mom started shortly after we got the pattern and has finished all the baskets already.  Now she is in the process of putting the quilt together.  She has all the full blocks done, but not yet put together.  She is pondering the borders and is thinking of going more scrappy with hers.

My daughter is thinking of a different layout altogether.  It will be interesting to see both quilts completed.  There is a long way to go, but when done, I will do a comparison post.  I like seeing the variety and different spins people put on a pattern to make it there own.

Friday 28 April 2017

One more Dresden plate done

I am on a roll.  I keep singing that song in my head, another ones gone, another ones gone and another one bits the dust.  Lol.

With this one done I now have only seven left to do.

This week I have been on holidays doing all sorts of odds and ends.  In my quilt room I trimmed all the HSTs of various sizes, all the drunkards path units, finished quilting my cousin's quilt (pictures to follow) and also stitched up a label for a gifted quilt.  My room is clean and tidy.

In my garden I finished one corner path/dog run, some weeding and installed the little decorative fence in the corner to keep the dog out of the garden.  I made all the appointments that tend to be delayed and even plastered the ceiling in the livingroom.

All in all it was a very productive week with a bit of me time too.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Finished the small pumpkin wall hanging

I have a finish for April.  This one counts for my top 12 list for 2017.  So far I am up to date.  This month I barely made it, but luckily I had a small project on my list.  This is the first of my small seasonal wall hangings.

Here is a close up after quilting it simply in the ditch on the machine I decided to do primitive large hand quilted stitches to give e pumpkins some detail.  I like it.  I think it looks cute!

For the month of May, I intend to have quilt #1 done.  The quilting is going well.  I only have approx. a quarter of the centre block designs to do and the three borders.

May does bring on more work with cleaning out the gardens here and at my mom's, as well as doing more renos, again here and at my mom's, but I have to find some time for me too, so that I can quilt.  It's my sanity break.

**Progress on my top 12 list for 2017**  
1. Quilting-Lise's Dresden plate quilt (commissioned)....quilting in progress
2. Quilting-Sabryna's yellow nine patch quilt (family)....
4. Main work-Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)....
9. Main work-Purple star quilt (my own)....sewing up the blocks 
10. Main work-Grey, black & bright quilt (charity)....
5. Handwork-Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)....8 blocks to appliqué
6. Paper pieces-Xmas pineapple blossom quilt (my own)....
8. Leader/ender-Bonnie's mystery quilt (my own)....moving along nicely

Total number of quilts completed - 4
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 8

Completed quilts:
3. Spools quilt (my own)
12. Purple & blue squares quilt from Carol (charity)
11. Log cabin quilt from Sharon (charity) 
7. Mini pumpkin wall hanging (my own)

Tuesday 25 April 2017

A late night post

This is a late night post, just because I am so excited!!!  I finally got the courage to use my treadle machine.  I've had it for many years.  My son is 14 years old now and I bought this when he was still young in daycare.  I remember, because when I bought it we got it set up in my livingroom, my mom looked it over, cleaned it, oiled it and got it running with really good tension.

While my mom was doing all of the above, the rest of us were sitting around watching and playing the name game.  We were trying to come up with a suitable name for my new treadle.

When my son was in daycare, there was this one little girl that used to favour my son.  She used to look out for him and kind of be like a big sister.  Anyways my son used to like her very much too.  We used to tease him often, that she was his "girlfriend".  So when we played this name game, not sure who came up with it, but this little girls name came up, and it just stuck.

So......I would like to introduce you to Lily my treadle sewing machine.  No electricity needed to use this baby.  If the power goes out, no problem, so long as it is daytime, otherwise I would need to sew by candlelight.  Isn't she pretty....just like Lily the little girl.

After all this time and I am just now getting up the courage to use her.  This is my first block.  I chose  a scrappy string block from my bear paw quilt, as getting familiar with a treadle machine will take a bit of time and with string blocks, there is no precision necessary.

This is soooooo cool!!!  I had to run upstairs to show everyone!  I did it!  I made a block on a treadle.

I am thinking I am going to have to make many of these blocks in order to get the hang of it, but it was fun, so I am going to enjoy it.  I have to get the coordination of the foot peddle up and down motion to make the block move forward, instead of backwards when it breaks the thread.

Off to bed now, but I know I will have sweet dreams, just anticipating some play time with this new to me treadle.

Morning quilt class

Saturday my mom and I went to a quilt class.  One of the women from the quilt guild headed up the class to teach us how to make a New York beauty block.

Everyone's blocks were great and there were none that looked the same.  It is amazing how different the same block can look depending on your choices of fabrics.  This is my version.  Instead of bright fabrics I wanted to try a more tame look.  When I do make more blocks, I think I will restrict myself to black, grey, burgundy, reds and pinks.  It may look a bit more sophisticated.....maybe.  We shall see.

This block comes from the pattern called New York Beauty Sampler Quilt by Gretony Quilts, as seen below.  This pattern has many different blocks that you can mix and match to make your quilt.  The pattern has set the blocks in a window panes setting, but you can place them side by side in numerous layouts.  These blocks are done using paper piece for the points.

I took this class, because I have been wanting to make my own quilt for a while now.   I even bought a pattern, as seen below.  There are even more, different types of New York beauty blocks.  The biggest difference between these blocks and the ones we worked on Saturday, is that my pattern is to make a 15.5" X 20.5" mini quilt.  That means the blocks are only 3" square.  It ought to be interesting.

I think it was good to take the class.  Not only did I get to meet more guild members, one on one during the class, but now I don't feel as intimidated by the New York beauty block itself.  The teacher was very good with her instructions.  It was a pleasant morning.

After class and running around doing errands, it was a bit later in the day, so I thought I would take it easy.  I finally finished trimming all the drunkard's path units that I'd done.  Over 120 of them.  My jar is filling up!  I only have two more piles about 2 1/2" tall to sew up.  I can start assembling the blocks.  Progress is happening!

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Taking some time to tack down the binding on my flower garden quilt

I have a self imposed deadline, to finish the binding of my flower garden quilt for the next guild meeting.  That is exactly one week from today.

Last week I made the binding and sewed it on the quilt.  A few days ago, I took some time to tack down the binding to try and finish it off.  I got two sides done, so I am getting there.

Sometime, before I started making the border, it dawned on me that, we quilter's advocate putting labels on your quilts.  Up to this point, the only two quilts I have with labels are the two that I entered into a show (I am proud to say, that the one quilt got an honourable mention and the second quilt won second place in first time entry into a quilt show).

The ratio of quilt with or without labels was not good.  I, as usual, being hard on myself, thought that this was bad on my part.  I do like my quilts and would like to record the history of the quilt, for future generations, or at least the ones that will make it to the future.  

So....I pulled out my list from previous years (one per year), that summed up what I did for the year.  I sat at the computer and drafted up a basic quilt label.  I know people can get really fancy with their labels, but I prefer going with simple.

I typed up each label with as much information as I could remember, with the help of my list.  I don't recall the exact amount I have, but I think it is just over ten.  As time allows I will embroider them all up and attach them to my quilts.  Last week I also started doing the label for my flower garden quilt.

I don't know why I didn't do this earlier, but later is still better than never.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Quilting the Dresden plate quilt

I started doing the fancier quilting motifs for the Dresden plate quilt on my domestic sewing machine.  I know I can get better precision quilting on the domestic versus the longarm.  Still have to practice free hand stuff on the longarm before I will tackle a customer quilt.

This is a picture of the quilting between the blocks.  The centre purple block is the cornerstone of the blocks.  The quilting design is very pronounced in the picture, as I didn't remove the blue chalk that I used to mark the design with the stomper.  It is turning out really well.

This morning I finished off one border.  I am using a combination line cable and feathered cable intertwined to make the cable that runs around the perimeter.  I did the bead board lines using a 1" spacing between the purple border and the cable motif.  The 1" spacing means that the first line is drawn, the second line goes 1/4" away and the third is 3/4" away from the second.  It makes for very close intense quilting, but it is worth it.  It looks great!

Once I am done the quilting, I intend to do a soft scalloped edge to follow the contours of the quilted cable.  I am hoping the customer will like it.  They are basically giving me carte blanch in choosing the quilting I want to do.  My own opinion is that it is coming together nicely.

I have to get back to it.  I have three more borders and about 3/4 of the centre quilting to do.

Friday 14 April 2017

Finished quilting another scrappy quilt

Today I decided to practice some free motion quilting and some ruler work, both on the one quilt.  I did an all over basket weave design on the blocks in the centre and a half circle going in both directions in each side strip that makes up the border. 

Above is an example of the half circles and how they intertwine with each other.  If you enlarge the picture you can see better what I mean.  Below are some examples of just how scrappy this quilt is.  These fabric were given to me by a previous bee member. They are from a fabric swatch book and are a light weight upholstery cotton fabric.

As they come from a swatch book, you will find many fabrics that are the same, just in different colour ways.  Most of the fabrics were large floral prints.  In the picture above you can also see the effect of quilting a basket weave pattern.

Above is the whole quilt.  It is a large lap quilt.  The centre squares finish at 4" and the side pieces are 2" X 4".  I find it a bit dark and busy, but it is now a finished quilt to be given to someone who may need a hug.  Below is a picture of the back.  I used a tone on tone fabric where you cannot see the design.  It reads as a solid and makes the quilting really stand out.  It's not bad.  Looks kind of cool.

Tomorrow I have to get some errands done, but when I get back I hope to get back to quilting the Dresden plate quilt for my cousin.  The first drafted design turned out too big, so I have to start by redrafting the design.  I am glad I noticed it before I got too far along with the quilting.

Enjoy your Easter celebrations everyone.

Friday 7 April 2017

Practiced free hand pantograph on a guild quilt

I am still taking some time to practice on the longarm.  This time I finished up a lap sized quilt that I volunteered to do for the guild.  It is a pretty dusty rose and green quilt.  

I chose to practice free hand pantograph.  I think I have this design down pat.  There are very few spots that I can see that are a bit off, but that is only because I know what the actual pattern looks like.  For the general public, no one will notice a thing.

I like this pattern with its paisleys and echo flower petals.  It's easy flowing and feminine looking.

Here are two close up pictures.  The one below is the backing that was used.  It goes so well with the top.  It's busy though, so you don't see much of the quilting pattern.

I am working on a bit of handwork now.  We will see how much I can get done of that.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

One more Dresden plate block completed

I am making progress on my list of top 12 priority quilts.  Slowly but surely.  The rest of the stuff on the list, outside of the quilting, will take me a while to finish up.

I finished another Dresden plate.  Now I have 8 more to go and I have half of one already started.  I am liking these blocks.  These Dresden plates are different than what I have seen.  Most of the Dresden plate blocks have a coloured circle in the centre.  These blocks don't and the centre is much larger than the usual Dresden plates.

As I look at my list below, I note that this is my last bit of handwork for this year.  I don't kid myself though, as I have many more on my main list.  But I am not complaining.  I like spending some time doing handwork.  It calms me.  They are usually great for taking on the road too.  You can do them just about anywhere, with a bit of preparation.

I think everyone should try it.

**Progress on my top 12 list for 2017**   
1. Quilting-Lise's Dresden plate quilt (commissioned)....quilting in progress
2. Quilting-Sabryna's yellow nine patch quilt (family)....
7. Quilting-Mini pumpkin wall hanging (my own)....
4. Main work-Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)....
9. Main work-Purple star quilt (my own)....sewing up the blocks 
10. Main work-Grey, black & bright quilt (charity)....
5. Handwork-Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)....8 full blocks left to appliqué
6. Paper pieces-Xmas pineapple blossom quilt (my own)....
8. Leader/ender-Bonnie's mystery quilt (my own)....moving along nicely

Total number of quilts completed - 3
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 9

Completed quilts:
3. Spools quilt (my own)
12. Purple & blue squares quilt from Carol (charity)
11. Log cabin quilt from Sharon (charity) 

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Finished appliqué for the small wall hanging

My family has been sick this past week.  The only one that escaped it was my daughter.  While I was slowly getting better I was taking it easy, sleeping and resting.  When I did have some energy I worked on my handwork, while in bed still resting.

I finished all the appliqué for my small pumpkin wall hanging.  I am a bit early, or a bit late depending on how you want to look at it.  All I have left to do is to quilt it, so I should have no problem having it completely done for this coming Halloween.

Now that I am pretty much recovered and the family is too, we are getting back into the swing of things.  Now I have to get caught up on the housework. Yuck!  Defiantly not my favorite pastime....but it need to get done.

Hopefully next time I will have a bit more to show you.