Sunday 16 November 2014

Updating my list and washing blocks

Yesturday I was doing a bit of this and a bit of that.  In the morning I washed all the small blocks for the P.S. Don't forget to... pillow.  I wanted to get the pencil marks off before I sewed the pillow together.  I have some yellows and some blacks washed and ready to cut up to finish the blocks.

When I was having my cranberry herbal tea I was going over my list of quilts to do.  Sorted out the order that I want to try and finish some of them.  My year end is coming up so, it's a race against the clock.  Seems that every year around this time I am checking out what can be finished.  This year I finished quilting seven quilts for others and on my side of the list I only have the two bears made by both my mom and I and the two fairy pillows done.  Many things almost there, but with Christmas this close, it may be iffy trying to get anything completed.  I'm not worried though.  I am enjoying what I am doing and that's the important thing.

After this my daughter came to remind me that we had some running around for her to do.  On the way home I picked up some fresh buns with lettuce and made some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.  Later I did get some quilting on the Hexagon quilt done.  Not too much because I was off again, this time to my parent's home for dinner and to help my mom move furniture.

While I was quilting I had company.  My daughter decided she wanted to spend some time in my quilting room with me.  She was working on her French project.  She was feeling creative in my quilt room.  Look at what she did.  The project was a poem about herself.  She created and drew the border treatment.  I thought it was pretty.

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