Thursday 13 November 2014

Finished the last block

I finished!  I finished!  My last block for the P.S. Don't forget... pillow is done.  Maybe some time this weekend I can start trimming the blocks and getting the pillow together.  There is still a fair amount of work to be done on it but I am over half way done.  Stay tuned for the progress of assembling the blocks and adding the trim.

Yesturday while reading with my son I went online to check out some different layouts for hexagon quilts. Wow, there was so much to look at.  There were many different layouts from basic Grandmother's flower garden to these extreme works of art with colour placements to form dynamic shapes within a completed quilt, and the hexagons ranged from hand size to the insane 1/2" size.  All I can come up with to express what I saw was, wow!

While looking at all the images, I also had a chance to check out some other blogs out there.  The amount of creativity out in blog land is amazing.  I have an extra seven more blogs to read up on.  Some date back to 2009 to present.  I really enjoy checking out what others are up to.  People love to share their ideas and many others will comment on their own view points.  It's a great way to communicate and learn from people all across the world.

I am off to go read some of the blogs.

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