Tuesday 4 November 2014

This time change is really affecting me

The time change on the Saturday night and starting back to work from a week off, has made these last couple of days a bit draining.  I haven't spent any time in my quilting room over the past two days, didn't even have time to go work out.

Tomorrow I will be at our quilt bee meeting.  That will be nice, usually sparks some energy.  I think I will bring the last three small blocks I have to do for the P.S. Don't forget to.... pillow.  I haven't done much of that recently either.  But I can say I have been productive.

On Sunday I finished cutting out all the reds I had for the Romance and Roses quilt and the background fabric too.  I cut the background fabric the length I needed for the borders and marked that so it would not get use elsewhere.  I wanted a full length for each border without any seams.  I did a sample block of the red to check that the fabric I was cutting was the right size.  Now I will put this away until I get a chance to start this up.  It may be some time soon.

While some of the girls from the quilting bee were out last Thursday, one of them who has a cottage suggested that maybe we should all get together for a quilting weekend getaway.  That perked up many ears. Everyone seemed really interested.  We will be organizing a quilting retreat.  I for one am very excited.  My first quilting retreat with a bunch of girlfriends sewing, chatting, eating and all around having a great time.  Who would say no to that?

I have my featherweight sewing machine that I will take and a few quilt projects to sew.  One of them could be the quilt above.  Having things all cut out like this makes it fast and easy to put together in a chain fashion like leaders and enders.  I will also take a handwork project for those time that we just hang out.  The good thing about hanging out with other quilters is that they don't get insulted when to chat and do your handwork, because they are doing it too.

It should be a blast.  Will let you in on what's going on with it as we get closer to the time.  Enjoy you evening everyone.  I'm going to go sit and read with the kids.

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