Tuesday 18 October 2022

Heather's star quilt

Last week, I was spoiled by my son making dinner every night....this week not so much....lol.  My son was home on reading week and he wanted to try out some recipes.  So this week I have less time to play in my sewing room.  I got the ironing of the fabric I just washed on the weekend for this quilt I am making at the retreat coming up soon.

So I will just leave you with this, back in time to Feb 23/2020:

This is Heather's star quilt that she made for a retiring principal.  I believe all the teachers and staff got together to purchase the materials and Heather offered to make the quilt.  She did an excellent job of piecing this quilt.  It turned out great!!  Don't you just love the colour selection?

I quilted this quilt with a pantograph called Verve from Urban Elementz.  That was also a great chose.  It works quite well with the blocks and how they  appear to curve as well.

Monday 17 October 2022

Marion's chain quilt (QW)

Today during my breaks, I sorted and ironed some of my fabric that will be a quilt I am starting at a quilt retreat.  I washed the fabric on Sunday while I was quilting (between rows).  I bought this bundle of what I thought were fat quarters, but what they turned out to be was half of a fat quarter.  Let me tell you that when I examined the pattern that I had planned for the bundle, I started to worry.  So today, I took a piece and cut out one of the star blocks to check things out....I only had just enough with a small 2" x 6 1/2" piece left over.  Noting like cutting it close....whewww!!

So now I have 12 more star block parts to cut out, for the first block and all the pieces to cut for the alternating second block.  I want to get that done before I head out to the retreat.  I am also taking a couple of already started quilts too, just in case I have time.  When we go to retreat it is peddle to the metal and sew, sew, sew in between chit chat, laughs, eating, late nights and early mornings.

Let me take you back to Feb 23/2020:
This is Marion's chain quilt.  This was a kit she picked up.  It is gorgeous!!  I really love the colours of this quilt.  One day I would like to see if I can make one from my stash.

This is one of the blocks, close up, so that I can try and figure out the math and the repeats.


Sunday 16 October 2022

Productive day, but not much to share

Today I caught up on quilting for customers.  Still have to trim them, but the most time consuming part is done.  I also got the two Quilt of Valour quilts that I had quilted.  So now I am caught up with customer quilts and need to get started on the 26 quilt tops for Quilts for Survivors that I volunteered to quilt.  I will jump back into customer quilts once I am back from a quilting retreat with my mom.

Quilting all day, add in lunch around 1:00 pm, later a tea break at 4:30 pm, after that getting started on dinner, and my whole day is done.  It is amazing how time flies by.  I don't have any pictures of what I did today, as I still need to trim everything.  

So, back in time to Feb 8/2020:

Here is a simple quilt using a very muted floral fabric with a soft green and cream double sashing.  The customer wanted a more elaborate pantograph on this one, as she was not happy with how plain she felt it was.  I thought it was a nice feminine fabric, but she prefers more colour.  In any case, the client actually prefers the back side of it, which was a white on white fabric (ie no colour), because it looks like a whole clothe quilt, where the quilting takes centre stage.

Interesting facts: This same time, back on Feb 8/2020, on the home front, this is when I started moving my fabric stash and large furniture out of the sewing room to paint and eventually install the hardwood floors.  I was really moving along with getting the house ready to be listed.  

Friday 14 October 2022

Progress and yet another two Summer Sampler blocks

Today I was working on the Christmas quilt again.  I now have 4 1/2 rows out of 8 rows done and assembled horizontally.  It's coming together.  Now keeping it real, as people sometimes think wow, that was quick.  I did one row one night, I did two rows yesturday after work and I did 1 1/2 rows tonight.  That may still sound quick, however I already had all of the blocks for this quilt completed into four patches a little while ago.  In other words half of the work was already done.  I am just getting back to making this top.

Quilting takes time.  We often underestimate the amount of time it does take, especially if there are a lot of other things occupying our time, like looking after children or elderly parents, working full time to bring home the bacon....you get the point.

I am only saying this, because when I read posts from others, I sometimes wonder how they can get so much done, but in reality, it may have taken weeks or months of persistence and sometimes monotonous piecing.  I have to keep reminding myself this.  Here on my blog, I just want to keep it real.

Excuse the quality of the picture, it was just taking tonight from my sewing room in the basement, with no natural lighting (nighttime).

On to our back in time, to April 7/2020 & May 24/2020:

Again keeping it real, these two blocks are dated about 1 1/2 months apart, because sometimes that is how long it takes when life gets hectic.

These are two of the last blocks, with one more remaining that I appliquéd for my Summer Sampler wall hanging.  The first one is a mama bird and her baby bird on top of a bird house.  The only things that were remaining to be done on this one were the bead eyes for both of the birds.  That was finished a couple of weeks ago.

There is this house block with a flower vine.  I had forgotten to do the window grids on this one, so a couple of weeks ago when I was putting the finishing touches on all the blocks, I finished the windows and put in a bead for the door handle.

I have one last block to show you, maybe sometime this weekend.  I am going to be in the basement quilting up a storm. I have a lot of catching up to do on customer quilts and donation quilts.  

Take care everyone and have a great weekend!!

Thursday 13 October 2022

Time crunch and another Summer Sampler block

Today I worked on making more blocks for a Christmas quilt using two packages of charm squares.  I am trying to meet a deadline of November 4th to have this quilt done.  I am intending to use this quilt in the Fall Bazaar in Acton as part of publicity for the Halton Hills Quilters Guild.  The push is on!!

This is one of the blocks I shared earlier on a post Sept 10th.  As of tonight, I have 3 out of the 8 rows done and the rows are already assembled horizontally.  It may not seem like a lot left to do, but with my weekends packed with customer quilting and some travel, there really isn't much time left.  So I am going to have to concentrate on working on these during the evenings, on weekdays. 

I keep reciting, I can do this....I can do this....LOL

Yesturday I showed you a quilt block from my Summer Sampler wall hanging, that I have been working on.  Let me take you back again, this time to Feb 20/2020:

This is another block that I finished.  I thought this one was cute.  I love sunflowers, who doesn't right!  I am really liking all of these blocks.

I have yet another block to show you tomorrow that I did a while back.  I'll show you where I am with it now.  Stay tuned for that.  In the meantime, enjoy what is left of your evening.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Summertime Sampler block

Recently, during my vacations, the last week of September, I had the urge to work on my wool wall hanging.  I only had the one block and the borders left to do.  The one block only had the embroidery stitches to be done and it still sat there waiting.  Well, one morning I sat down to work on it.  I did the remaining embroidery and the French knots.  When I was done, it felt good. I was so motivated that I thought I would continue, and start putting the blocks together.  However, that is when I noted that I didn't finish all the details on all the blocks.  I still had to do the beads for the eyes and door handles, French knots for the flower centres and some other small details.  So I told myself that I may as well just get them done....so I did.  

All of my blocks were all done by just after lunch time.  I was so in the zone that I didn't want to stop.  I convinced myself that is was my vacation and I deserved a break to do what I enjoyed and wanted to do.  Not like I really needed an excuse, but sometimes when there are a lot of things to do, I put off having fun doing my own things.  Bad habit, I know, but that is how it is at times.  

I have the centre done now and waiting for the borders, but I will hold off on showing you the pictures of that until a later date, as I realized that I still had three block from before that I did and never shared them yet.....so.....back in time to Jan 30/2020:

This is the blue birds and watermelon block.  One of my favourites from this pattern.  Back in 2020, I finished the block, except for the bead eyes for each of the birds.  As of now this is completely finishes.

Interesting facts from this same time period back in Jan/2020:  This is when I started making the mini log cabin blocks, measuring 3" finished.  I ran a workshop for the HHQG and in renos, since we decided to move back in Oct/2019, I am still moving bulky furniture to my mom's place, painting bedrooms and the upstairs bathroom, while still doing drop offs and pickups for customers in Halton Hills and Brampton, plus working my full time day job.  Life was pretty hectic at that time....it seems to be the theme of my life...lol.

2022 Acton Fall Fair pictures #3

Here is the last couple of pictures from the Acton Fall Fair.  The quilt there in the centre (hard to recognize), is my garden quilt.  this quilt won first prize in the category of multiple technics.  This quilt has piecing, embroidery and appliqué.

The quilt just below it, and in the picture below, was my mom's quilt.  It won a second prize ribbon in the category that it was in.  This is my mom's Radiance quilt, in red and white, with the red half square triangles forming a star and a lot of redwork flowers surrounding it.  I love the numerous shades of reds she used for both the star and the embroidery.  It really adds dimension and texture.

Now that Thanksgiving is over and I am back to work, I'm going to have to catch up on things around here.  I have a few deadlines coming up that is going to be a real challenge to meet.  One of them is, now that we are back from the family reunion, I have some more labels to make for the quilts that my nieces and nephews chose to have from my collection.  Surprisingly, they all chose quilts that I already had made, that just did not have a destination.  That's great!!  It helps me lighten my load.  

My husbands side of the family, with nieces and nephews, is now done.  I need to still take care of some nieces and a nephew on my side of the family.  Lets see if I can get lucky there too....

Tuesday 11 October 2022

2022 Acton Fall Fair pictures #2

Well, I am back, from our annual family reunion.  I had a very nice time, as usual, visiting family that we don't see often.  It was a time out, from the usual everyday hustle and bustle of life.  Some family from Halifax, NS, Vancouver, BC or  Winnipeg, MB and the rest in various areas of ON.  I am extremally grateful for the time that we spend together and the sense of cohesion that exist with the family, even when we don't see each other regularly.  When we get together, it is as if we have not been apart.  The comradery and laughter is priceless.

I am hoping that everyone had a great long weekend, however you chose to spend it.

In this post, I am wanting to share the next series of photos from the Acton Fall Fair.  This is a continuation of my last post.  This first picture is for an unfinished quilt top category.  I have this top that is waiting to be quilted.  It is my Tiny Town quilt/top.  I started this one back in, I think, 2014.  It won 1st place at the fair in this category.

I also won a 1st prize ribbon for this quilt, that I call Amity.  This is a quilt that I made specifically for Quilts for Survivors.  I designed this quilt based on a quilt that I saw from Jordan Fabrics.  The quilt size and orientation, plus size of the fabrics cut are different, as well as the repeat.  I showed this quilt in an earlier post, so if you want further details, you can check it out.

This quilt won 2nd prize in the category of Other, not listed in any other category.  This was my NICU quilt.  These 4 blocks were leftovers from making the Bonnie Hunter 2021 Winter mystery quilt.

The last one for this post is my Spools quilt.  This one was really fun to make with numerous fabrics used to make the spools and no repeats.  This quilt also won 1st place in the category that it was entered.  I would have to say that this is definitely one of my favorites.  Each block is only 3" finished and they were made as leader/enders, while making other quilts.  Part of the reason, this one is so special, is because it was made up of fabrics that were also contributed by family and friends.  When they found out that I was making this quilt and was doing it with no repeats, they sent me fabric from their own scrapes, that they had, to add the variety.  I don't think I would ever be able to give this one away.  It was so much fun to make and gives me fond memories, of all the people who contributed to the making of this quilt. 

There will be another post with the next set of pictures from the Acton Fall Fair, so stay tuned for that one.  As there is not much time left of today, I will wish you instead a very pleasant day tomorrow.

Don't forget to take some time for yourself.  As the phrase goes, take some time to stop and smell the roses, for we are entering into the fall season where most of the flowers have been spent and all the brilliant colours of the fall leaves emerge.  I love this season of cooler weather (not so much the allergy part, but....). 

Wednesday 5 October 2022

2022 Acton Fall Fair pictures #1

Here are some pictures from the Acton Fall Fair.  There were entries from numerous participants, but primarily there were four main people who reaped the prizes.  Three of them I know.  One of them was Anne B, second was Lorna/my mom, and third was me.  I know of a Teresa as well, but I don't know her personally.  This first prize for the main category, was my quilt, which is going to regionals. This was my Xmas Solstice quilt, a pattern by Bonnie Hunter called Summer Solstice.  This was a mystery quilt pattern that I decided to make at a later date using Christmas fabric.

This next picture is the 3rd prize winner from the same category.  This quilt is called 99-bottles (a variation) made by Lorna/my mom.  2nd prize not pictured here went to Anne B.

This pretty quilt was also made by Lorna/my mom.  It won 1st prize in the category that it was entered.  Up close it is gorgeous.  It, I believe is called Winter Wonderland.  The centre scene is all redwork, done by hand and the borders are made up of different pieced star blocks.

I won 2nd place in this same category as above.  This quilt was called Daybreak.  It was the pattern that I made and taught for a HHQG workshop back in 2020.  I talked about this quilt in an earlier post.

There were more, but they will come in another post.  you'll have to stay tuned for them later.  

I have numerous things I need to get done before we head out to the family reunion for the weekend, so I may not be able to post until I get back.  Will try tomorrow to post before I leave, but that may or may not happen. Depends on timing.  If I don't get to post, I would like to at least wish everyone a good thanksgiving.  Enjoy your weekend and time hopefully spent with family and/or friends.

It's a time to be thankful...what are you thankful for? 

Tuesday 4 October 2022

2022 Milton Fall Fair

I was just checking out some of the pictures I took while at the Milton Fall Fair.  I already shared one completed by a customer where she won 1st place in the category that she entered.  Here is another 1st prize winner.  This was made by Susan P. and is going on to the regional finals.  Great job Sue!

This next one won 3rd place.  This one was made by Maryann.  Unfortunately, the way it is folded you don't see the blocks in the centre.  All of the block colours are taken from the theme fabric in the large border.  Great job Maryann!

This next quilt was also done by Susan P. and this one won 2nd place in the category that it was in.  All the leaves in fall colours look very pretty and I liked the quilting she did on this one.  Another job well done Sue!

There were many other quilts there and many of them were gorgeous!  This was just a small sample from those I know.

Keeping this post short today, still have stuff to do before I can head off to bed. 

Monday 3 October 2022

Noah's ark and mom's charity quilt

I am in the process of going over my quilt patterns/pantographs.  I usually have a small sample made up of all the options.  I have fallen behind in doing this, as there has been a lot going on around here.  During my week vacation, I caught up on my customer quilting and have the gardens all planted and cleaned up, so now I thought I would catch up on some of the other areas that have been neglected. 

Primarily that would be the paper work for the business, samples as well and personal paperwork along with housework and renovations.  Renovations took a slight detour (almost stopped), to get caught up on other things.  Housework I am maintaining a minimal amount of required necessities and I am doing a bit of everything else along the way.  So, I am behind in a lot of areas, but I am still plugging away.

Of top priority, I have five quilts for customers that I need to get trimmed, which will happen during the next couple of days and send out the invoices.  I still have a Sunday brunch and dinner to plan for, for the family reunion (we leave for it in four days), this thanksgiving long weekend.  

At this point....many would start to panic.....but instead, I take it in strides.  Everything WILL get done, and in due time.  I can do this, as I have been doing for a long time.  It's just a matter of planning and prioritizing.  A call to my mom, certainly helped, when it came to understanding what I can do ahead of time, for the brunch and dinner (I know how to cook and do a fair job of it, but it is not my forte).  The more I can do now, the easier it will be when the time come to serve the meals.  LOL....I just keep chiming to myself....I can do this....I know I can...I know I can.....lol (can you hear Thomas the tank engine story)....lol...it's not all that bad.  Things just seem to fall into place.  It will get done without any interruptions.  Everyone will get fed with ample leftovers.  

So instead of dwelling on what needs to be done and worrying about it all, I chose to let be what will be... try it, you may realize that you can get a lot more done and it would be less stressful for you and everyone else around you.  Mind over matter....it is a choice to be happy or not.  You make the choice.

Let me take you back in time to Dec 27/2019:  Just after Christmas, between Christmas and New Years, I usually take the week off as vacations to spend with my family and now as my children are older to get caught up on things or visit family.

I quilted this quilt for my mom.  This was a panel from a Noah's arc series, which displayed different animals.  Mom really only had to add some borders to finish it off.

I decided to do a simple wave pattern on the whole quilt.  Though to my surprised, what I planned did not quite turn out.  Instead it was a pleasant surprise.  What I thought I was going to do was in miniature, so I learned that the pattern I made for a large quilt would not quilt out the same on a smaller quilt.  That is when I learned that scale does not always change.  In the end it turned out great and I took this next picture to refer back to, as I thought this scale was great for the situation at hand.

Mom made this second quilt out of her scraps she had precut.  It is a simple alternating blocks layout with the medium blue as the background fabric.

I had a chance to practice my free motion quilting skills.  For the first border I did a simple swirl, swirl up and down, all along the border.  I tried to keep it consistent and learned to turn the corners. For the large border I did a simple stippling.

For the centre of the quilt, I tried this corner to corner design, that when completed, kind of looks like lightening.  It is a simple generic design, suitable for male of female.  I am still learning this one and trying to keep it consistent.  I think I still have a ways to go....lol....but I eventually will get there.

Mom liked it and as it is her quilt that she is giving away, that is important thing.

In case I forget or don't get a chance to post again this week, I am hoping that everyone has a chance to savour the long weekend with family and friends.  Take the time for you and enjoy yourself.

Saturday 1 October 2022

Robin's house town blocks quilt

Oh my!!!  It has been a very hectic last couple of days.  Actually, the whole week has been.  It's like a fast moving rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs and being jolted left and right.  This week was my vacation week.  I was hoping to get some renos done, catch up on quilting customer quilts and get the pots planted before the weather turns really cold.

Well...no renos happened...at all.  Some pots got planted and my path was cleared, but someone gave me more plants so I have just as much now as I had when I started....but even still, I'd have to say that I did have a good week off.  I spent my birthday day traveling to Mount Bridges to look at a sewing machine for workshops and retreats.  Happy birthday to me...lol.  I got the machine and enjoyed a leisurely drive back.  On the way back I stopped off at a couple of other quilt shops, was able to stop off to see my son, get some groceries and such for him, and closer to home pick up my daughter and lastly treated myself to some great Greek food delivered to the door.

It seems that everything takes longer than initially anticipated.  I did get a lot of quilting done.  I did four of my mom's quilts, two of my own, five customer quilts and another small one for my mom.  And, the one day that was raining, I took some time for me and sat to do some handwork.  I finished the last block of my wool appliqué, Summertime Sampler wall hanging.  All of these are pending pictures.

So I thought to share with you a couple of quilts completed by a customer that I finished quilting last month in August.  These quilts belong to Robin.  The first one is a quilt of a town, with houses, trees, fences and a church.  Robin was telling me that only due to covid was she able to participate in this block of the month, because it was out of Nova Scotia and Robin lives in Ontario.  She got to participate in this class with an old school friend who lives in Nova Scotia.  It's great how many establishments and people have adjusted well to meetings online through Zoom.  

The quilt turned out lovely.  It spurred me on to try and get my own house quilt done.  That was one of my quilts that I quilted this past week.

This next quilt, Robin made for a neighbour.  It was to be a surprise to thank her for all that she does.  Robin's neighbour is into gardening and the theme fabric is floral.  I am liking the teal and salmon colour combination.  Very nice work Robin.

Tomorrow is my last day off before going back to work.  My plan is to try and at least finish off planting all the pots that I have and cleaning up stuff around the yard.  Have to think about cleaning things up for......dare I say it.....winter.  I really can't believe we are already in October.  Doesn't seem that long ago that we just started getting good summer weather.

Enjoy what is left of your evening!