Sunday 16 August 2015

Finished floret number ten for the bottom row

Yesturday was a busy one.  From 5:30 am until 11:30 pm.  I got in as much as I could with a few breaks in between.  I started the morning with my tea and ended it with a herbal tea after picking up my daughter from work.

In between that time I managed some cleaning, sorting, clearing off of surfaces, all as a distraction from what I was supposed to be doing, quilting.  By mid-morning I ran out of excuses and got down to business.  There is always an anxious worried anticipation I get just before starting to quilt a quilt.  It is worst when I start quilting someone else's quilt.

I have been quilting for a very long time, over twelve years, but I still get this feeling every time.  I get worried that I will mess it up, but also excited that the quilt will be completed.  I quilt is not a quilt until it is quilted.  The quilting can either make it or break it.  That is probably where the worry comes from.

This time the worry was for a friend's quilt.  I will tell you more about it later, when it is done.  Yesturday I started it.  I worked on it from morning until dinner with only the two interruptions.  One was for lunch and the second was for my neighbour/niece, who came over to drink her coffee and chat a little while with her youngest baby.  Just before dinner I had managed to get almost half way done on the quilt.

The only reason I stopped was because my machine started making a loud grinding noise.  I decided to clean the machine and give it a good oiling.  I still haven't checked out if it did the trick or not.  I am hoping that is all it needed, otherwise I am going to have to service the machine and swap out for my other machine in the meantime.

Can't stop quilting now, as this quilt has a deadline for the end of this week......and there are four other quilts basted and rolled up waiting to be quilted for others.  Not to mention another eight of my own to do and one for a cousin.  Mine are on the back burner right now and the one for my cousin, because I am still trying to work out what I want to quilt on them.

After dinner I drove my daughter to work and decided that I could not quilt anymore that night.  Instead I decided to pull up a Bonnie Hunter's Quilt-Cam and enjoy listening to what is going on in other peoples' quilting life while doing some hand work.

This is what I worked on.  I finished floret number ten for the bottom row.  This is getting exciting.  I only have florets number five, six and nine left to do.  After I will be able to assemble the bottom row of florets.  As well as finishing this yellow floret I did about half of floret number five, which is mainly grey with blue.

No more procrastinating this morning.  Now I need to go check out my machine and see what I need to do, because I really need to be quilting.

Enjoy you day everyone!

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