Sunday 23 August 2015

Finished the faux appliqué quilt

Yesterday, while having my morning tea, I was able to finished the faux appliqué quilt.  I checked my previous post and cannot see when I actually finished all the quilting, but I know it has been sitting around here just waiting for the binding to be sewn down by hand for a while.  The last I wrote about this quilt was back in Apr/2014, though I know it was still a while after that, that I actually finished it.

 My friend Carol from our quilting bee was doing some cleaning out.  She thought I would do something with this yardage/panel of all these faux appliqué blocks.  They are very pretty.  

The only problem I came across was that two or three blocks were not cut off the bolt well as they only had 1/2" of the cream coloured background at the bottom of the picture.  By the time I squared up the block I only had about 3/8".  For a while I kept looking for some cream to match up to it so that I could add a piece to the bottoms of these few blocks and continent a usual with leaving an 1" all the way around.  You'd be surprised how many different shades of cream there are.

In the end I figured done was better than not.  So, I cut all the blocks down to the same size.  The original quilt was different.  When I say the original I mean that these blocks were made up in a quilt that I made with a triple smashing with crossing cornerstones and borders with cut off corners due to the corner cornerstones being only one half.  It was gorgeous and was much larger, but when I went to quilt it, the quilt would not quilt flat.  

I was so proud of that quilt.  It looked very fancy.  I had more than half the sashings quilted before I realized that the quilt would not look good when finished as it would never lay flat.  At that point I was so upset that I just put the whole thing away. Much, much later I take it back out and my daughter and I together painstakingly start to take the whole quilt apart.  I recut everything and remade the quilt into what you see here below.  Do you like it?

Here is a close up picture of the faux appliqué blocks.  Each one of these blocks is different.  

Here is a picture of the back corner, so you can see the quilting.  The blue backing is actually brighter than the picture, but in order to show off the quilting I had to create a shadow with my body by block out the ceiling light.  The centre of the blocks are cross hatched in 2" squares and sashings are all outline quilted.  I think it looks pretty.

Today I have to finish my friend Sharon's quilt.  Yesterday I didn't get any of it done.  I'm sure you remember me talking about having problems with my sewing machine last weekend.  Well, I was not able to fix it.  I had to switch out my new machine and bring in my older Janome, so that I could continue.  I can't stop now, as two of the quilts I am working on have a deadline.

Yesterday, I was brought my machine in for service.  Good thing it is still under warranty.  While I was out I went and got a printer.  My new computer was not compatible with my old printer and we are getting fed up of having to save everything on USB in order to take the document to the old computer to print it up.  I still have a bunch of files that I need to bring over to the new computer and also set up all my previous programs like iTunes, etc  That one in itself was quite a chore.  I had to reload all my CDs back in.  Like I said what a chore.

Anyways, today is a new day and I plan on making the most of it.  I am just finishing my morning tea, and I am off and running.  Let's see if I can get Sharon's quilt done and at least started on Flo's quilt.

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