Thursday 4 June 2015

Tiny Town progress on block three

Tiny Town progress on block three.  I have been working on my block whenever time would allow.  Who knew it would take this long to do three simple mail boxes.  I certainly didn't, but again I didn't know it was going to get this crazy busy at work either.  I'm not complaining mind you, because this business keeps me in my job.

I'm reminded that this business may continue on until the fall, so I'll let you know now that my posts may come in drips and drabs.  When I am not at working, taking care of the family or doing my hand work, I am still working on quilting my Log Cabin quilt.  That will take some time still, but it is looking very nice so far.  The Log Cabin quilt is going to be for hubby's and my bed.  I am not letting anyone talk me out of keeping this quilt.  I really like it and I think it will make a nice autumn quilt.

Until next post, enjoy the beautiful weather and spending time with your family.

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