Monday 29 June 2015

Finished the 3D pinwheel quilt

Here are the final pictures for the 3D pinwheel quilt, quilted and binding attached.  You may find the colours a bit more true at the bottom of is post.

This is a close up of the quilting.  In the spaces between the pinwheels I quilted windmills, the small border has continuous loops around the quilt and the large border has a semi wavy motif, with echoing.

This next picture is the quilt all folded up ready to wrap.  You can see the the windmills better in this picture.  You can also see the 3D pinwheels better too.

Here is the mother and father to be, Melanie and Andrew.  This was a picture take at the shower that was give on Saturday.  The mother to be is my niece and god daughter.  Her little bump is so cute.  She is due on July 17th.  She thinks it should come out now. LOL.  I do think they both really liked the quilt.  I am so happy for them. 

Now that this quilt is out the door, time to get cracking on the others.  I have to finish the quilt for my first niece Michelle and start on Melanie's quilt, my second niece.

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