Tuesday 30 June 2015

Starting Tiny Town block seven for July

Now I am starting Tiny Town block seven.  Block seven is for the month of July.  Our class this month has been moved up by a week, so we only have three weeks to finish this block instead of the usual four.  I have been trying to  pace myself with block three and this one, but that pretty much went out the window.  I have the finishing touches to put on June's block, and I need to have this block done in only one and a half weeks.  Can I do it?  Well, I will certainly try!!!

This block has two blocks with a lot of detail, but the last one is a small one.  I will hopefully have most of it done this week, as I am on holidays this week.  I also want to put blocks one, two and three together in a complete row.

Stay tuned to see if I make the deadline.  I work good under pressure, most of the time.....

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