Thursday 25 June 2015

Slow but steady

I am back.  My Dad is back home and things are starting to settle back down around here.  Things are well again.  While my Dad was in the hospital, the family was taking shifts twenty-four hours a day.  The infection made him quite disoriented, sleepy and reverting back to his native tongue (French).

So, while he slept I did some hand work.  In this case mostly dismantling hexagons.  In general it would take an hour or so to do one diamond, depending on whether Dad was sleeping or awake.  Slow process, but I needed something to do to pass the hours at the hospital. I would work on this while there was light and during the nights when lights were out, I would take out my tablet to read.

I started with twenty-two diamonds and now have only eleven more to go.  This is also something you can do while watching tv.  It would take a bit longer, but it is not a rush.  I find the tasks for quilting to be more of a pastime.  I will work at reconstructing a quilt at my leisure.  It is kind it therapeutic, peaceful and helps to take your mind off of worries by giving your hands something to do and your mind something to concentrate on.

On the one day when I came home from a night spent at the hospital, I went out back, where my hubby sits and reads his paper in the mornings.  I am just recalling the night and thinking of going to sleep, when I look down and see this beautiful splash of colour.  The colours are so cheerful and uplifting.

Later that day after a much needed sleep I roamed the garden to check out what else has been going on.  That is when I came across these two rose bushes.  These roses were here when we move in, but because of moving them to a better sunnier location the one year, they didn't bloom the last year, so I am seeing them for the first time now.

I thought the orange one to be quite unique and the red one had numerous blooms on it.  I cut the bushes last year right down to give them a new start, but in time they will be beautiful.  They are climbers and will climb the fence eventually.

Now that I have had a couple of days to get back to normal, I will start sharing with you what I am up to.  Tomorrow though I will share with you what one of my Quilting Bee friends has been working on.  Until that time, stop and take some time to smell the roses (pun intended).

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