Saturday 13 June 2015

Working on quilting my Log Cabin quilt

Today I am working on quilting my Log Cabin quilt.  It's going great so far.  I have all the dark halves done and I have just over half of the light halves done.  I'm liking it so far.

For the dark side, I've decided to go simple with straight lines following each log.  I also decided to do the light side simple, but this time with all curvy lines.  I am quilting daisies and a vine to connect them to each other.

The daisy design is called Tropical Vine Bdr. by Laura Estes in 3 1/2" size.  I like it.  As I did the dark with lines, it is making the light side stand out so much.  I used a light taupe coloured thread so that it would blend with both the dark and light side, as well as the backing which is beige.

I am taking a short tea break, and I'll be back to it.  I am trying very hard to get this one completely done today.  What are the chances?  Don't know but I will give it a good shot.

I have my daughter's grey backing fabric in the washer now for her 16 patch pinwheel quilt.  I need to pin it and start sewing in the ditch to secure it.  She is still trying to finalize her choice for the quilting designs.

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