Tuesday 20 May 2014

Miss calculation on block for Spider Web quilt

Can you image my disappointment when I found out that I, yet again, miscalculated the number of blocks needed to complete my Spider Web quilt.  I was all ready to put my quilt together and placed it on the design wall.  That was when I noticed I was short.  Instead of needing eight single blocks, I actually needed eight sets of four blocks.  In other words eight large blocks.

So that makes me twenty-four blocks short.....off I went to Staples to get more copies.  Twenty-four blocks means fourth-eight wedges to copy.  Back home to start cutting the centre pieces for the wedges.  Good thing I had enough of this green. Just enough.  My sewing table is all set up with the strips. Now to only find the time to sew them up.  May take a while.

Life is pretty hectic around here these days and now with the beautiful weather I have to clean up the gardens too.

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