Saturday 17 May 2014

Grab and go bag

With working overtime eleven hours per day and hanging out at the hospital for my dad there has not been much time for much else.  No family time, no quilting, no renovations, not even cleaning. On top of all that, for the past couple days I have been experiencing a bad headache bordering on a migraine.  But I have to keep pushing forward.  No time to stop now.  Tonight is my night to stay at the hospital, overnight with my dad.

Today while sitting with a cup of tea, I have been getting a few things sorted out and thought to look after my grab and go bag.  I usually have some hand work that I can take with me when I am sitting around or waiting for things.  I thought though that if spending the evening and the whole night I may want to organize a bit more.  I have to thing about bringing hand work or if the pain to my eye gets to bad to bare, I will bring some listening stuff like an audio book or soft music.  Need to think about food as well and a blanket.

The bag above is something that is often close to me wherever I go.  Inside I already have a light, a few small projects, my chargers for the iPod and when done with this post the iPad.  The metal container in front of the bag is where I put my glasses so they do not get broken, with my snippet scissors, needles and floss.

I think I am ready to go now.  Catch everyone later.

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