Sunday 4 May 2014

A Single Irish Chain quilt

This is my fall coloured Single Irish Chain quilt. This is one of the quilts for my own bed.  This quilt was made of 2 1/2" squares of all different fabrics.  When I started in quilting there was a quilt store in St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada, that used to have fabric clubs.  One of them was for 2 1/2" squares.  Basically they sent you blocks from all of the new bolts once a month.  Unfortunately the store closed down, but I have a memory of it.  This quilt does not have a repeat block.  I tend to gravitate to light coloured backgrounds, so this quilt was made to push myself out of my norm.

The following two pictures are close ups of the quilting.  The second one includes the small border. The quilting in the quilt looks a bit puffy because the batting is wool. This close up you can see the actual units that make up a Single Irish Chain quilt.  Can you see the 9-patches and alternating plain blocks?

The next two quilts went to Project Linus. This first one with pink background was made entirely from fabric that was given to me by two different friend that where finished with their projects.  He picture does not do this quilt justice. It really looks soft and feminine.

Here is a picture of the close up to show the quilting and a better view of the fabrics used in the quilt.

This last one was using a bunch of scraps, both for the pinks and for the whites. I don't have a close up of the quilting, but if you enlarge the quilt you can see the quilting quite clearly.  The quilting was in the beginning when I was just learning to free motion quilt.  Things are not all that smooth.

I think tomorrow I will continue with the theme and show you the Double Irish Chain quilts.

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