Monday 30 January 2023

HHQG 2021/2022 BOM

Today after work was a run around day getting errands done.  By the time I got back home, I was exhausted.  I only had a bit of time before I had to take the dog for an evening walk, so decided to sort out some of my photos.  It's amazing how fast they accumulate. 

I didn't get any stitches in today, but I did take out all of the quilts that I will be delivering to Project Linus.  All together I have 24 quilts to make labels this time around.  Better get cracking.  Before you know it, it will be time to deliver them.

So, I will take you back in time to Apr 24th/2022:

I started this block as a BOM for the HHQG on Nov 19/2021.  As I didn't need to start another full size quilt, I decided that I would make four of these BOM block and make a NICU quilt instead.  This block was for November/2021. 

By the time I made all four blocks and quilted it, I finished the NICU quilt in Apr 24/2022.

I think it looks cute and it will cheer up the top of an incubator.  I didn't think to get a close up of the quilting that was done on this small quilt.

Interesting facts, not related to quilting: At the time that I started this quilt in November/2021, my daughter finished her education at Ryerson University and as of June/2022 she graduate with her Engineering degree.  Yeah!!!  I am so proud of her.

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