Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Happy new year!! The end of the year tally

Happy new year!!  Wow, we are already at 2023!  Another year has just flown by.  Hard to believe all the things that I have accomplished and all that has gone on this past year.  As with every year end and the start of a new year, it is a time to reflect, evaluate, and reevaluate.  As I reflect on this past year, I just can't get over everything....just everything!  If I didn't keep a calendar listing all that has happened, I don't think I would believe it myself.

Rather than bore you with everything, and being that this is a quilting blog, I will just do a tally of my personal quilting progress.

Here is a picture of my 2022 UFO list:

I started the year with 24 quilts on my UFO list (what you see in pink is the progress that was made in 2021 or earlier.  I ended up starting 36 more in 2022 (what you see below the darker line) and I completed 34 items throughout the year (what you see in blue is the progress that was made in 2022).

So.........drum roll this leaves me with 25 quilts on my list to carry forward and start out the year of 2023.  Not exactly where I wanted to be, but not bad, ending with only one additional quilt.

The section at the bottom of the second page (see clip below) are my goals:

They may be ambitious goals, but one cannot achieve goals, if one does not commit to them, and make every effort possible to obtain them.  I also have a note to myself on my new list of 2023, to try not to start anything new until I have at least 5 items completed from my list.  We'll see how that

Here is what my list looks like now to start off the year.  The colours are my suggested order to complete them, based on what I would like to see done.  

As you can see, my oldest UFO is from Oct/2004.  LOL  I am not embarrassed about it.  I have started and remade what I have done so far at least three time....and the pieces are tiny, finishing at 1/2" each.  I tried one method after the next, hoping to find an easier way to do this, but I digress and figure there is only one way to complete it, and that is to spend the "time" to sit down with it and just sew it!!  I am determined not to abandon this one.  Wish me luck!

What is your oldest UFO?  Do share.

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