Thursday, 12 January 2023

Needing help....from myself! lol

Needing help....from myself!  

Was it not just last week when I posted my list of 2023 UFOs and indicated that I was going to try and not start any new quilts, until I had at least 5 done......  Well that didn't happen.  Do you see that container of 2" squares there in the turquoise tray?  That is the beginning of my new quilt!  It is going to be a leader/ender, so it will be a long while before it is done.

The post that I posted on Sunday is my new quilt.  It's the 7-patch Irish chain, or a variation of it.  I haven't decides if I am going to make this one with the black, green and pink or just scraps.  I may leave the black, green and pink for a different quilt.  But...either way, there are a bazillion 4-patches that I need to make before I need to decide.

So, while I was working on my January UFO quilt, I was using these 2" squares to make twosomes (I know, not a real word) and attaching them together to make 4-patches.  All I had left to do on the UFO was to assemble the last four rows and attach all 8 rows together.  This is all the 4-patches I made in the process.

Not bad for just starting, however it is going to take a long while before I have the amount I need to start making blocks.

While I sew, I often lessen to U-tube.  This time I watched a new free episode of The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson (Ricky was not in this one).  The episode was about a BOM for 2023.  The guest on the show was Sarah Fielke from Australia.  I believe the BOM is being hosted by The Quilt Show and it will be a beautiful appliqué medallion quilt made by Sarah.

I thought that Sarah's work was very pretty and unique, that I clipped this picture for future reference, as I want to check out these two books to start with.

Like I need to start yet another quilt.......

See!!  I need help from myself, I am just soooooo inspired to do them all!  lol

Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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