Tuesday 10 January 2023

Third 3-ways to quilt it BOM

I am sure that I am not the only one, that ends up going through a bout of decluttering and cleaning after the 1st of January.  Something about starting off the new year and taking down the Christmas tree that seems to get the ball rolling.  First my sewing room and longarm area got a clean sweep with moving things around and reorganizing.  I've got some empty drawers....whoo hoo!  

Other parts of my home also benefitted from my energy.  I really can't understand how I still have stuff to declutter, when I just basically moved here and unpacked in Aug/22.  I got rid of stuff and felt I was left with only the stuff we needed and maybe a bit more, but minimal excess.  But you wouldn't think so, since I already made a trip to the Thrift store with three boxes and 2 bags worth of stuff.  Where does it all come from....

Needless to say with work, reading, decluttering, household things, etc. other than mending a couple of things for my son, I have not had time for sewing.  I did have an hour to sort out fabric squares a couple of days ago, for my new leader/ender quilt.  Correction with the name.  It is a 7 patch Irish chain quilt.  It is inspired by an antique quilt I saw.  You can read more about that on Jan 8th's post.

So, lets take you back to April/2022:

This is the third 3-ways to quilt it BOM, that was run by Tracey from Whirls 'n Swirls in Oshawa, ON.  I really didn't have time to custom quilt this and I really needed to clear out some stuff around here, so I quilted it in an edge to edge pantograph design.  

The main fabric has butterflies on it, so I chose to quilt this one with Flutter from Urban Elementz.  If you enlarge the above picture you will see one of the butterflies that spans 7 1/2" from wing to wing.

The BOM was a sampler quilt.  Different types of blocks to learn different techniques, if you were to do it custom quilted.  This one has already been shipped out to Project Linus.

Hope everyone is well.  Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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