Monday 20 June 2022

Hi my old friend

I am not sure I am ready for this, but I really miss blogging.  I am thinking of starting up again...

It's been a while...since 2019 in May when Blogger was implementing some changes and Apple was too...between them both it made it difficult for me to post.  Apple wouldn't allow access to blogger for my photos and later I wasn't even able to post from my Apple tablet...what a pain it was no longer enjoyable and I can't write a post if I can't include photos...what is the point in that...

In any case, I figure I am going to be set for a long while with topics, going back in history and uploading my photos since May/2019 until now.  It will be a bit more work, as I take my photos from my tablet, and send them in an email to myself, in order to upload them on my computer (not Apple), so that I can post to my blog from my computer.  

But I am wanting to give it a go...

This will be my test run to see if it works.  I am uploading a picture of a quilt I quilted on my longarm for the Halton Hills Quilters Guild back in March/2019.  Some of the members got together and made the blocks.  It turn out quite lovely.  I love scrap quilts.  This block is one I want to make some day, called disappearing hour glass.  I quilted the top using Jessica's Swirl.

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