Wednesday 12 September 2018

Got bitten by the hexies again

When we were on our way to the cottage for the Jenkins' family reunion, I took my hexagons with me.  I finished the one diamond along the way and a bit while there.

Well......that didn't satisfy my need and desire to get back into doing my handwork projects.  In the week that followed that trip, I got two more floret sections done, including the borders beside the florets.  This whole section is all attached together.  Yay!

I don't feel like the need to do handwork has left my system quite yet, so not only did I hang my finished section on my design wall, but I also took out the section that I had already completed to put up on the wall with it.  Soon I will take the time to attach these two sections together.

Together it looks big, however this does not even represent an eighth of the quilt top.  Though to my credit, I also have the florets for the top border done and assembled together, as well as the bottom florets.  I even have some of the second borders for these florets completed too!

The florets further down the design wall are the upcoming parts to complete.  The piece in the top picture goes just below the yellow floret that you see in the bottom picture.  I am currently working on the side pieces for the next floret, the blue one.

But......first I have to sewing down the binding by hand on three quilts, before the next guild meeting.

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