Sunday 12 August 2018

Watching Bonnie Hunter while catching up on some binding

I finally found some time to sit and sew down the binding on my bear paw quilt.  It's been pretty busy around here lately.  My daughter is progressing very well with her recovery from oral surgery.  I am trying to clean up the chaos around here and getting the house back in order.

As I am writing this post, I realize there is a lot that has happened since my last post.  There has been so much going on around here, that it has distracted me from having the time to write about it.  Such a whirlwind, that I am having trouble remembering everything.  So for now, I will start where I am at and as I remember I will share.  I will share the finished pictures of the above quilt in my next post.

Here are a couple of garden photos.  I love the simplicity of a daisy flower.  They were blooming in perfusion a couple of weeks ago.  Now the heat is here and the garden is baking.  At this point, it is mainly greenery throughout the garden and some colour through the annuals, like the begonias below.

I like my little girl holding a basket of flowers, sitting on a bench.  It's pretty.

Today there is going to be some more clean up at the side of the house.  Last weekend we finished putting in the French trench and reservoir to catch all the rain water from our eaves and the neighbours property.  Now I am taking out the useless little patch of grass and putting in a garden, all along the side of the house. I'll post about it too another time.

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