Sunday 15 July 2018

Beige swirly HST quilt

On Tuesday, my daughter underwent major oral surgery.  We had a few small setbacks, but now she is settling down and is on the mend.  This surgery has a recovery time of 6-8 weeks and full recovery at almost a full year.  What an ordeal, but my daughter is young and strong, so she is dealing well under the circumstances.

Yesturday afternoon was the first time I was able to take a break to disappear in my quilt room.  She was propped up on the recliner to watch a movie while her dad sat with her.  Later she came down to my room and spent a bit of time with me there, probably knowing that I needed the down time.

What did I do while I was in my quilt room?  Well, I went though my pictures to find the picture of a top that I thought looked good and would be a good option for half square triangles (HST).  I found this picture on Pinterest.  Unfortunately I do not know the source, so not able to give credit where credit is due.

I like the pinwheel slightly off centre and the dark vanes shooting out from them, going around and around to fill the space.  Quite pretty.

My thoughts came back to this picture while I was cleaning out some containers and came across a box of HSTs.  These HSTs were given to me a while back.  The box contained hundreds of them.  The size quilt I decided to do requires 252 and I still have at least another three times more that I could make.

To start off, I sorted the HSTs into groups of like colours and same patterns.  Above you can see I have the bright fabrics at the top and medium colours of a particular pattern on the left in the middle.  The stripes created their own pile and the next four piles are divided in same patterns, just different colour ways.

I am starting with the four bottom piles.  They all match with the large piece of beige fabric I had in my stash.  The print on the beige is a navy blue stippling pattern.  I trimmed all the triangles and cut out the beige.  Sixteen full length strips were needed to complete the one half of the squares for the 252 squares required.  There looking good.  I am liking this choice of fabric.

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