Monday 2 July 2018

Finished quilting the argyle quilt

I finished this quilt last year in December.  Since, it just sat there patiently waiting for me to get the binding on.  A few months ago I got the binding attached by machine and again it waited patiently for me to tack it down by hand.  Later, about a month ago I had the time to sit and do the binding by hand.  It took me until yesturday to finally take a picture of the finished quilt to share it here on the blog.

There are a few stages that my quilts will be held up, but the binding for me has got to be the hardest to get done.  I have this mentality that once the quilt is quilted and trimmed that it is done.  I don't know why, but there you have it.  I stock pile all the quilts at this stage and end up doing a marathon of bindings.

I designed this quilt myself.  I wanted something bright, but more appropriate for a teen.  I like the way it turned out.  It reminds me of argyle socks, hence the name of the quilt.

I quilted this quilt with a pantograph called Time Warp from Urban Elementz.  Essentially it is a bunch of waves clumped together to make a larger pattern.

I think the next time I do this pattern I am going to set it more narrow horizontally.  This size is more affordable and still looks nice, but I saw this recently with the spacing only about 1/2" and it takes on a whole new look.  It looks more modern and the shape of the single motif stands out more.

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