Tuesday 3 July 2018

Borders for the French braid star quilt and a couple of garden pictures

Well....this morning I've already been busy.  I finished my laundry room tiling on the backsplash.  With all the setting up and cutting it only took me 2 hours.  Yay!  First step done.  Now I have to wait until tomorrow to do the grouting.  It looks kind of funny with all those green spacers.  Now I can get back to what I really want to be doing......quilting.

This next picture is not the greatest, as the lighting at 10:30 pm last night was not so bright.  The true colours of the fabric are more bright.  Yesturday I spent the day straightening up my quilt room.  Putting things away, ironing the scraps and fat quarters that I washed, generally taking care of loose ends that made my room look like the July 1st Canada day firecrackers exploded in my room. Lol.  

The creative process sometimes gets messy and out of hand and so I find myself, from time to time, culling things.

While I was doing this I was also trying to empty the laptop.  It's old and needs to be retired.  That took me most of the day as it kept crashing with everything I tried to do.  So while it would reboot, I trimmed blocks, removed the paper from my mini blocks or anything else that I could fit in to do.

Once all those things were done, I thought I would finish the borders to the French braid star quilt.  There were three sets of borders to add.  Borders are another step that I tend to stall on.  I don't care too much for getting down on the floor to measure them and pin each one.  Three borders, times four sides, means crawling on the floor a minimum of twelve times. Up and down, up and down.  But I can now say they are done!!!  Yay!!!

So now it goes in the lineup for quilting.  I have some client quilts to do first, and I think I will put this one in front of all the other quilts that I have of my own waiting to be quilted.

I thought I would also share some pictures from the garden.  The one above is my idea of a piece of garden art.  This is a tribute to my dad.  He is the one who gave me this watering can.  I used it constantly.  Unfortunately, the water spout has weakened and it can no longer be used for it's intended use.  So I added some holes on the bottom, added rocks, potting mix and the flowers.  I like it.

I have these deep purple flowers in full bloom as those little red ones are finishing their bloom.  Hostas are always a welcome shade if green for all season greenery and come another couple of weeks the bee balm will start to show their deep pink unique shaped flowers.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!

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