Sunday 8 July 2018

Finished quilting Mom's monkey quilt

This quilt was made for my second nieces little boy.  Her little girl got the fairies and her little boy gets monkeys.  He is a typical boy, actively climbing up on things and generally being a little monkey (pun intended, lol). 

My daughter again went online looking for images.  There were a lot of monkeys, however she had to keep in mind that these embroideries needed to be more simple to embroider and be young kid oriented.  Some have bananas and some are on branches.  They are all cute monkeys.
Here is a closeup of one of the dancing monkeys.  Mom used different colours for each of the monkeys.

For this quilt I used the popular pantograph call Nightlight.  This has swirls and stars.  The above picture shows the stars better.  Do you like the monkey fabric we found for the backing?  The above dancing monkey looks like he could be related to these ones. Lol

This one too I had to hold off show until it was gifted.  They were both gifted when we had the joint birthday BBQ on the Saturday.

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