Wednesday 15 August 2018

Beige swirly HST quilt progress

Since my last post about the beige swirly HST quilt, exactly a month ago, where I was in the process of cutting and sewing the HSTs, I've made some progress.  I have a quarter of the quilt completely assembled.

I reaffirmed that I find it easier to assemble a quilt in quarters, especially for small or medium sized quilts.  I had enough room on my side sewing table to place the units in their orientation.  I only had to reach over and pick up the pieces in order to sew them.  I assembled these by webbing them, and finished off by sewing the horizontal rows.

This quarter panel has the centre piece of the pinwheel and all the other rows spin off of this one, extending in the direction of each pinwheel blade.

I like that there is a contrast between the background fabric and all the patterned fabric.  The patterned fabrics are different, yet similar that at times it is hard to tell where one fabric end and the next one starts.  This quilt definitely has more of a masculine feel to it.

I don't have much more to say about the quilt above, so thought I would also share with you a picture of our little baby.  Our four legged baby, Maddie.  She is so cute.

Enjoy your week!  Me, I am trying to get back into the swing of things at work.  Doing bits and pieces of stuff here for the house, at my mom's and for my longarm business.  Definitely keeping busy!

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