Monday, 20 August 2018

A little of this and that

Since gathering the scraps for my Jelly-roll rug, cutting everything up and making the long strip using bias sewing, I've finished the next step of sewing the rope.  The rope is the scrap material and the batting sewn together into one big long rope type shape.

In order to keep things tidy I rolled the rope into a large ball.  The same as you would do for left over yarn or wool.  It doesn't look big, but I cannot span my hands around it to touch my fingers to each other.  

The next step is going to require that I switch out my machine for the one that has a flat table surface and a zigzag stitch.  I think I will wait for that step, for a bit.  I have a lot of other things I want to get caught up with first.

I though I would share the finished picture of my laundry room.  I finished the tiled backsplash shortly after my July vacations.  It took me a while as things kept coming up to distract me.

Distractions......there are always distractions, but that is part of life and part of what makes life interesting.

This weekend for example, I had plans to deliver a customer quilt and go to my mom's place to finish her doors, however that is not exactly what happened.  

I did deliver the quilt, I did make it to my mom's place, but that is where it ends.  I didn't get her doors done, because I only had a couple of hours, as I had to get home to repair my own roof that lost some shingles and caused a leak in the house.  It was also a race against time, as they called for rain that afternoon.  

I went up on the roof with my son in tow (he was really wanting to get up there and see for himself).  I never saw him jump so fast, as when I told him it was time to go up.  It took us approx. 2 hours in total to get the ladder and tools up on the roof, pull off the damaged shingles and replace them with new ones.

I no sooner get down off the roof and my daughter is now wanting me to work on the garden at the side of the house.  This is the one that she has been working on this past week.  While I was delivering a quilt, she went with her father to the dump to get ride of stuff and while there, they picked up a load of compost in the pickup truck.  

It wasn't raining and didn't look like it was going to, so now that I had the soil, I was able to start the planting.  We both, with the help of my grand niece & nephews ages 3-7, placed some of the stepping stones and planted some of the bushes.  We got almost 1/3 of the pathway done, before we were invited next door for dinner (my niece and these grand niece & nephews are my neighbour). 

The next morning I was out of the house at 7:30 am on my way to my sister's place, to help her with a job in Newmarket, for one of her customers.  It went well.  We got one whole section of garden installed, planted, mulched and merged in with another side garden, with a bit of clean up there as well.  All this was done by 2:30 pm.  By this time, our bodies are feeling the pain of unused body  

By the time we get home, clean up, take showers and head out to dinner at my nieces house, I for one was done for the day.  A glass of wine in hand, sit and chat with company, eat a lovely dinner and take it easy for the rest of the evening.

I had a full weekend that is for sure, but aside from making another four or five wild & goosey blocks on Saturday morning, there wasn't much time for quilting. just have to work around them.  Everything gets done at some time or another.  There's just no telling exactly when.

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