Wednesday 30 May 2018

What is presently under my needle

I've had another busy and productive weekend, running around getting things done and working on customer quilts.  I've had such a good long weekend (for me) that I got a chance to work on a quilt of my own.  This is my bear paw quilt.  I have all the quilting figured out and right now I am working on anything quilted using brown/rust coloured thread.  That would be all the paws, sashing between them and the large border.

Once I get down to the bottom, I will switch to cream and do the sections between the claws of the bear paws and move on to blue to finish off the sashing between the blocks.  Three passes to this one and I can't waste any time,  as I am scheduled to start another customer quilt this weekend.  On top of that I am working overtime all week with my full time job.  Busy, busy, busy, but I am not complaining.

When I have only little spurts of time and while I am not quilting on the longarm, during my spare time I am piecing my border for the braided star quilt, from the Guild workshop.  I have all the blocks assembled in rows and I have these borders almost done.  Just need the greens to finish them off.

I can't believe it is almost June, can you believe it?  Where has the time gone.  Come Friday it will be June and another number from the American Patchwork & Quilting  Facebook group will be announced.  I had hoped to have this quilt done for the month of May, but that may be asking for too much.  I will have to settle for the fact that I have made progress on it.

Enjoy the remaining days of May, especially with the beautiful whether we have been getting.

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