Wednesday 9 May 2018

Finished quilting the next two NICU quilts

Here are the second two NICU quilts quilted.  I am constantly practicing using any freehand designs that I can.  Once I get the motion of the design committed to memory, I will try and perfect it.  I don't aim for perfection, but I do try to improve my flow and smoothness of the design.  Perfection is for the computer program and as Angel Walters says, good is good enough.

As I mentioned in my previous post, these particular small quilts are great for grid designs, like practicing corner to corner curves.  First I try to remember the direction that I need to follow, to do the design all in one pass, I will try to get all the curves as even as I possibly can.  Doing this over and over will help commit it to memory and create my muscle memory.

This next one was very much the same.  This time I did the Terry Twist design in the centre followed by corner to corner curves.  On this quilt I also tried to do a chain of double circles along the last border.  This was the first time for this design and I can honestly tell you I will need a lot more practice with this one.

All and all I enjoyed quilting these quilts.  Grid quilting is a bit more structured than freehand background quilting, but with a caulk pounce and grid stencil, you can make any of these grid designs your background design.

Now to bind them and give them to Project Linus, for donation to the hospitals, for the incubators.

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