Tuesday 27 February 2018

Threw in a Scrappy Carolina Chain block in as leader/enders

I threw in a Scrappy Carolina Chain block as leader/enders, between sewing other things.  This is the first block, made completely from scraps.  

When I am cleaning up from other projects, buying scrap bags, or getting donated scraps from others, I cut them up in usable sizes.  Usually 2" strips, 2" squares, 1 1/2" strips and 1 1/2" squares.  The pieces to make this block all come from 2" strips.  So while I am processing the scraps, I will usually have a couple of quilts I want to make in the near future and cut the units I need for them too, while the scraps are on the cutting table.  Cuts down on processing the strips a second time later.

I did another batch of samples and even pieced together the strips that make up a larger strip, to go through my daughter's quilt backing.  I only need to add the last black border to it to finish it off, and add it to the backing.  All of these strips also come from my drawer of 2" strips.  Having things cut up as you go makes it much faster to get things together and made up.

I would not have had to make this extra piece/spacer, if the manufacture had given us the 108" wide backing that the salvage says it is.  It was actually only 103" right off the bolt and once it was washed, shrunk down to only 96".  That is 12" short of what I thought I was getting.  

Good thing I noticed it before I loaded it onto the longarm.  Also, a good thing my daughter was willing to accept a pieces backing.

I've been so busy this month, that I haven't made as much progress on my February's American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge, as I would have liked.  Some progress is better than none, but would have preferred more.

I think I will keep this one out, even after they announce the quilt number for March.  This is the only one out of the twelve months, that is handwork.  The rest are all pieced or paper piecing.  I can work on the piecing work and make quick work of it to complete it in the month.  When I need a break or want to relax with some handwork, I can try and finish these three panels.

Hope everyone is keeping busy.  You know what they say....busy hands keeps you out of trouble.

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