Tuesday 13 February 2018

February's BOM by Whirls n Swirls are done

Well, I am getting a bit better.  At least this month it only took me until the middle of the month to get the blocks done, instead of like January, where it took me almost to the end of the month to do them.  Yay for me!

I am still determined to do all three styles of quilting. The more I learn and the faster the better.

February's block of the month is a friendship star.  This first picture is going to be for the traditional style of quilting.  January's block is the first block and beside it is February.

This next picture is going to be for the modern style of quilting.

This last picture is going to be for the freehand style of quilting.

As you can tell, I didn't get to the quilting part yet.  I had to finish up some samples first.  I have the backings pieced together to each other, to do them all in one pass.  This next weekend will be more renos at my mom's home, but the following week I have some time.  I hope to get to the quilting, or at least practicing the different motifs.

I will share the quilted blocks with you when I get them done.

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