Saturday 10 February 2018

A little more progress on February's AP&Q UFO challenge

We are almost at the middle of the month and I can tell already, that I am not going to finish this months UFO challenge quilt.  I am making progress though.  The picture below is starting to take shape.  I have the left hand side of this panel done and I am almost to the centre if it with the horizontal lines that represent the snow on the ground.

I've also worked on some of the blocks and cutting the stripes that go between the blocks and the panel.  Other than attaching the blocks together into the row, this row is complete.

Time permitting I will continue to work on this, though February for me has been fully booked, for the next three weekends, so the only time I have to possibly work on this is during the weekdays.

I am plugging away at it and enjoying the process, as there is no rush.  I'll keep you posted on how far I make it along.

Enjoy your weekend everyone, I will finish my tea and off I go.

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