Thursday 1 February 2018

February's American Patchwork & Quilting UFO challenge

The February's American Patchwork & Quilting UFO challenge number is #9.  For me that is my To Grandmother's House We Go.   I've shown this one recently.  The pattern is from Crabapple Hill, called Over the River and Through the Woods.  It finishes at 51.5" X 57.5".

Since my last post, this is where I left off.  I started the bottom embroidery panel, in the left hand corner.  I felt I'd gotten a fair amount done at the time.  Though when I think about the fact, that what you see below, is approx. three evenings work.......maybe it isn't all that much.  I'm still proud.

I had put this project aside, as I had other deadlines, and I had to work on January's challenge too.  

While I worked on January's challenge, toward the end I would think about what the next number would be.  I thought of a lot of my UFOs, in turn, and what I would have to do to finish each of them, but the one I didn't think about was this one.  I don't know why, but I never even thought that this one may get chosen next.

When I opened up Facebook and saw that they announced the February's number was #9, I was kind of nervous to look at what my #9 was.  Well, imagine my surprise when I saw it was this one.

My original plans for this morning, of getting my blood work done and running around, getting errands done before work, didn't work out, as my car wouldn't start, so on to plan B.  But.....I didn't have a plan I figured, that was a good enough excuses to sit and stitch. Greatest stress reliever!

This is the progress I made in the one sitting.  I finished most of the branches for the trees in the corner.  It is looking great.  It is amazing the transformation.

Yesturday, when I first noticed the announcement, I pulled out my project box and took out the pieces.  During my breaks and my lunch from working my full time job, I assembled three main blocks and two flying geese blocks.  The picture below, shows what I have on my design.

Four of the inner sashings have been rouge cut, the blocks have been added and the panels that I traced, but didn't start yet are on the wall too.  As I work on things, they will get added to the wall, or assembled to each other.

The blocks themselves won't take long at all, but the handwork........well.......that is going to take some time.  A lot of time.  Handwork is always slow going.  I am not worried about getting this quilt done in February.  I don't want to rush it and forget about enjoying the process along the way.  So long as I get some progress on this, I will be happy.

I have a busy schedule for February..........we'll have to see just how far I can get.

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