Tuesday 9 January 2018

My daughter has over taken my quilting room

This weekend, Saturday, while I was quilting downstairs, quilting on my longarm for the guild, my daughter decided to take over my quilt studio upstairs.  She is at the final stages of finishing her top of Fair and Square, a design by Bonnie Hunter.

She is working on her border.  All of my pieces got put aside on my table and her pieces came out to play.  She is making a piano border for her version of Bonnie's quilt.  She has all her long parts and short parts teamed up with the white tips.  All of these pieces are also sewn together in sets of four.

Sunday, I decided to let her continue sewing, while I grabbed some handwork to work on.  I have a lot of binding and labels to do.  I am hoping to get my Canadian Northwind quilt binded in time for the guild meeting.

While I was binding, she was putting the first border on, the small black strip that separates the colourful scraps of the centre from the colourful scrap border.  

It was a nice relaxing day, sharing company, with my daughter in my studio, for a bit.  My four legged daughter too!  Here she decided to plop herself right on top of the quilt I was trying to bind.

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