Sunday, 3 December 2023

A little more progress on the words

The wedding I went to yesturday, for my niece and her long time friend, now husband was really nice.  They had a lovely ceremony and the reception was great.  Good food and lots of dancing.  They, as in the bride and groom, plus the bride's father/my brother, and the groom's mother, also put on three small dancing skits.  It was a unique spin on the father/daughter dance and the groom/mother dance.  It was cute and entertaining.  I wish them all the happiness and love for their future together.

Today, I slept in some.  When I got up, I was motivated to do stuff around the house, for the house.  I ended up plastering the walls going down the stairs, the wall in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs and the ceiling in the dinning room area.  I finally got around to putting away all the stuff we used for jarring up the marinara sauce and vacuumed throughout.

In between all this, I had lunch, a tea break and dinner.  By that time, it was getting late so, I put everything else on hold, to do some quilting.  I decided to continue with the letters of the Heartfelt quilt.  What a fitting word for the beginning topic of my post.  LOVE!  Now I have the words, I LOVE.  Many more to go, but this is good.  

As I was busy today, doing some productive renos and household cleaning, during my tea break I decided to reward myself with this.....

A puzzle.  A Christmas themed puzzle!  It usually happens around this time of year where we get the itch to set up a puzzle, that any of us and all of us usually work on together.  There is just something relaxing about sitting around the table doing a puzzle.  I got the perimeter completed and some of the pieces sorted.  It was hard to walk away once my break was know that, "Oh, just one more piece".......which turns into many, before you realize how long you've been sitting

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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