Saturday 27 October 2018

My revelation regarding my UFO list

I realized yesturday that I was going about my UFO list all wrong.  I keep adding stuff to my list as I start them and that is just not fair.  I think I am going to redefine what a UFO is to me.  I am going to start a "total quilts" list and a separate "UFO" list.

This will keep the quilts rotating.  When I start the UFO challenge, I would only use the quilts that have been started the previous year or earlier.  If I start a quilt today and finish it in a month, that would not count as a UFO finish.  

I came to this conclusion while talking to my daughter last night.  We were talking about the fact that I now need to add 20 more quilts to my UFO list. read that right, 20.  I kept arguing that they are only little NICU quilts and they will be completed fairly quickly, but she wouldn't hear of it.

This revelation will also help with me actually seeing progress on completions, instead of the number of UFOs constantly going up and down throughout the year.  I say throughout the year, because my UFO list will begin each year January 1st with whatever quilts I was not able to complete in the year.  My total list will be everything that I start regardless of what stage it is at (started to me is anything that I have cut fabric for).

I think I like this idea a lot.  I am very motivated by progress.  This will help me see progress and help me to work on older projects too.  So....I am going to revamp my 2018 UFO list.  Here goes:

**My 2018 UFO list - Starting the year with 27 UFOs, goal is to reduce this to 15**

1. Quilting-Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own).
2. Quilting-Stashbuster's ugly/sunshine BOM quilt (no destination, yet)
3. Quilting-Tiny town quilt (my own)
4. Quilting-Drunkard's path quilt (my own) ***AP&Q UFO#2 - SEPTEMBER***
7. Main work-Tumalo squares quilt (no destination, yet) ***AP&Q UFO#4*** 
11. Main work-Mel's romance & roses quilt (family) **AP&Q UFO*#8 - AUGUST***
12. Main work-Scrappy Carolina chain quilt (charity)
13. Main work-Reconstructed bright 6-point stars quilt (my own) 
14. Main work-Reconstructed 1st & 2nd bow tie quilt (my own)
15. Main work-30s fabric Omigosh quilt (no destination, yet)
16. Main work-Monkey wrench quilt (my own)
18. Main work-Witch/pumpkin wall hanging (my own)
19. Handwork-To grandmother's house we go (my own) ***AP&Q UFO#9 - FEBRUARY***
20. Handwork-Gathering flowers quilt (my own)
21. Handwork-Hexagon quilt (my own) ***Grab 'n go***
24. Paper piece-Scrappy flying geese quilt (charity) ***AP&Q UFO#1***
25. Paper piece-Pineapple quilt (family, niece/nephew) ***AP&Q UFO#10 - OCTOBER***
26. Paper piece-Wild & goosey quilt (family, niece/nephew) ***AP&Q UFO#11 - JUNE***
27. Paper piece-Mini blocks log cabin (my own)

Total number of quilts completed - 6
Total number of quilts removed/dismantled - 2
Remaining quilts to do - 19 
Total number of quilts left to be completed to achieve my goal - 4

Quilts completed:
23. Xmas pineapple blossom quilt (no destination, yet
8. Farmer's wife sampler quilt (no destination, yet) 
9. Texas braid quilt removed/gave to Sabryna
6. Brown bear paws quilt (my own)
17. Silk triangles quilt from Carol (no destination, yet)
10. Xmas/Solstice star quilt (my own)
5. Red hearts quilt (charity)
22. ?? Dismantled

Much shorter!  When I look at it this way, it's more manageable.  In the next two months I need to finish 4 quilts and for next year I will start with the total list again and again try to bring it down to 15.  Though it will continue to go up and down over time, I will try and concentrate on getting some of my older UFOs done, to keep them revolving.

Let's see if this new revelation works!  It's worth a try!

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