Monday 31 December 2018

Getting ready to ring in the new year with 2019 UFO list

Well.......this year has been a very good year.  Busy, but good, in all aspects.  Last years list started at 42 UFOs with the goal to bring that down to 15.  I did a great job and brought the UFOs down to 17 by the end of this year.  This is GREAT!!! no?  It is great, if you don't count the 24 new quilts I started (lol), but who's counting.....😂😋😚

To my defense, 2018 has seen a lot of decluttering, even in my sewing room.  Twenty of the new quilts are NICU quilts that are made up of orphan blocks.  NICU quilts are only approx. 26" square, so will take very little time to finish, as the blocks are, for the most part, already done.  Because they are small, they are using up orphan blocks and they are going to a good cause, I don't really mind these types of additions.  

There was a guilt workshop quilt that I started and finished the top shortly after taking the class.  It just needs to be quilted now.  The last three were part of a coarse that I took to learn different styles of quilting on the longarm machine.  These three I consider learning the trade.  

Any of the other quilts I started throughout the year, I finished all the way. we come to December 31st, the time for the reckoning. 

**My 2019 UFO list - Starting the year with 41 UFOs, goal is to reduce this to 15**

1. Witch/pumpkin wall hanging (my own)
2. Reconstructed 1st & 2nd bow tie quilt (my own)
3. Reconstructed bright 6-point stars quilt (my own)
4. Gathering flowers quilt (my own)
5. Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
6. Hexagon quilt (my own)
7. To grandmother's house we go (my own)
8. Scrappy flying geese quilt (charity)
9. Wild & goosey quilt (family, niece/nephew)
10. 30s fabric Omigosh quilt (no destination, yet)
11. Tumalo squares quilt (no destination, yet)
12. Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own).
13. Stashbuster's ugly/sunshine BOM quilt (no destination, yet)
14. Tiny town quilt (my own)
15. Scrappy Carolina chain quilt (charity)
16. Monkey wrench quilt (my own)
17. Mini blocks log cabin (my own)
18. Traditional 3-way BOM quilt
19. Freehand 3-way BOM quilt
20. Modern 3-way BOM quilt
21. Radiant braid star quilt
22. NICU Blue rail fence quilt
23. NICU Easy street purple star quilt #1
24. NICU Easy street purple star quilt #2
25. NICU Easy street alternate block quilt
26. NICU Burgundy log cabin quilt
27. NICU Scrappy strips quilt
28. NICU Red lattice quilt
29. NICU Pastel log cabin quilt
30. NICU Checker board quilt
31. NICU Whirligig quilt
32. NICU Diamond chain quilt
33. NICU Pinwheel on diagonal quilt
34. NICU Blue X quilt
35. NICU Blue & green 4-patches quilt
36. NICU Green & blue checkerboard quilt
37. NICU Chainlink quilt
38. NICU Blue checkerboard quilt
39. NICU Green & red hearts quilt #1
40. NICU Green & red hearts quilt #2
41. NICU Purple pinwheel quilt
Total number of quilts completed - 0
Total number of quilts removed/dismantled - 0
Remaining quilts to do - 41
Total number of quilts left to be completed to achieve my goal - 26

Quilts completed:

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