Thursday 25 October 2018

New layout for the pineapple quilt

I went back to the drawing board, sort of speak, and redesigned the pineapple quilt.  The first edition was with the blocks set on point, with side pieces and corners.   I had incorporated a 2" black boarder in the side pieces.  Unfortunately, when I started to put them together, I noted my measurements were off by a 1/4".  I couldn't get the side triangles to match the square pieces.

At the time I was sooooo upset.  I mean really, all that work only to find out near the end that I messed up.  I was so upset, I started tossing the side pieces off the design wall and vowed to myself I would not be defeated by this quilt.  I was also determined that it was NOT going into the time out box and put away again for another time.  

This quilt is my October's challenge quilt for the American, Patchwork & Quilting UFO challenge.  I've had this quilt since July/2009 and I am determined to get this done.  So......after all the side pieces were gone, I took the squares and set them side by side.

When I stepped back to look at it, I thought to myself that it wasn't that bad.  It may not have been my first choice of layouts, but plan B is nice too.  

Today I worked on getting some of the blocks sewn together in four patch style.  I now have the top more than half way completed.  I'm still going to put a black small border on and a green border that my daughter and I selected.

There is still a very good chance that this quilt will get done for October, or at least the top will be.

Yay!!!  Wish me luck!

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