Saturday 6 October 2018

Working on a Scrappy Carolina Chain quilt

Sometime in September, when I needed a break from something...?  I was obviously not doing what I was supposed to be doing, but having fun while doing it  Sometimes you just need to play hooky from the 'must do', to play with the 'want to do'.  This was one of those times.

It was a rare lazy Saturday (or as lazy as my Saturday's can ever get).  It was mid day around 2:30-3:00pm, when your energy level does a spiraling dive down, you need a caffeine boost and some form of sustenance to tie you over until dinner time.

Around this time, is usually the time I start getting bored with what I have been working on all day (usually something I am supposed to have been working on), and I am looking for a distraction.  So.....once I take care of my energy boost and mossy down to my quilt room, I spy the box I have holding all the pieces for my Carolina chain blocks.

I needed no further distraction, just seeing the box was enough to grab my attention.  Above I have some of the dark blocks laid out ready to sew.  I sew them almost like a nine patch block with a twist once I get to the third row.  Below you see how many I managed to get done, before my conscious took over to remind me, that I was not supposed to be working on these blocks right now.

So, away they went into my large jar that I have, to sit and look pretty, until the next time I get distracted or until the number for this quilt is pulled.  I think the next time I will work on some of the alternate light blocks.

Enjoy your long weekend, for those in Canada celebrating Thanksgiving.

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