Thursday 9 March 2017

Started the small pumpkin wall hanging

On my top 12 priority list, I have this small wall hanging.  I've had this for a while.  At one time I took it out and assembled the background, with the black centre strip bordered by the leafy green strips.  That is where it sat, for a while.

It sat for a very long while.  I just went in search of the post that I wrote about putting it it has been sitting around waiting to be finished since Jan 24/2015.  I put it away and never looked at it until recently.

This is why I keep a list of the quilts and projects that I have.  It is too easy, to play around with fabric, clean-up the mess and forget about what you have.  I believe this one got put away because I had the block of the month that started that was also appliqué. 

Well, this year this cute little thing gets done.  I have the top two pumpkins sewn on, only three more to go.  Maybe I will be lucky and have it done by this Halloween!  It could be.....I am so motivated to make progress with reducing my list.

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